John & Becky Williams
John and Becky are the owners of Pack & Paddle. John’s job includes creating, writing about and scheduling the events and trips that P&P does. In addition, John does much of the gear and boat selection for the shop. Becky works with our bookkeeper to keep the office humming. In addition, Becky works with Amy to choose most of the clothing and footwear we sell in the shop.
Here’s an intro from John’s blog so that you can get to know them better:
Becky and I really enjoy hiking, canoeing and spending time outdoors. We ride our bicycles to work and the grocery and everywhere that’s feasible. We have one son (32 years old and married!)who is a physics professor at Murray State University in Kentucky. In 2006, we hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. While hiking is our long time passion, we also love canoeing, kayak fishing, and bicycle touring.
Here’s a video John made for Becky with photos from their thru hikes of the John Muir Trail, Colorado Trail and Appalachian Trail:
and Becky have completed Thru Hikes of the Appalachian Trail (Georgia to Maine 2006), Colorado Trail (Denver to Durango 2008), Wonderland Trail (loop around Mt. Rainier 2003), John Muir Trail (Yosemite to Mt. Whitney 2004), Eagle Rock Loop trail plus a unsupported bicycle tour from Astoria Oregon to San Diego, California and thru-paddle of the entire Buffalo National River.
To view our trail journal, Click Here