Paddling Lake Martin is always one of my favorite paddle trips. I think it is the biggest bang for your buck. Meaning, because it’s such a short drive, visitors have ample time to see many different types of wildlife, like alligators, Bald Eagles, Osprey, Great Blue Heron, egrets, cormorants, and of course our state bird, the mosquito.
Our trip this day was no different with seeing all the wildlife that I listed. The weather started out perfectly, but quickly threatened.
With dark clouds rolling in and sudden increase of wind speed, it looked as if we were about to get hit hard. We paused for a few minutes to see what the weather was going to do before we went further from the safety of the bank.
We continued on, but headed back a little sooner to make sure we had time to battle the wind and be sure not to miss the most beautiful sunset that we were about see.
After thoroughly enjoying the sunset and taking pictures, we landed the boats and noshed on yummy tuna salad on pita from Hub City Diner.
This was when we spotted (and began feeling) the many mosquitoes that decided to join us. If we could just train them to load the boats, they would be worth keeping around.
Be wild, get outdoors,
-Kevin Wallis, Trip Leader