Paddling the Virgin Cypress of Lake Fausse Point is a true wonder. With trees that are over 2,000 years old, this experience rivals that of seeing the giant Redwoods of California. Most people treat this trip as an “out and back” paddle. You can spend all day or just a few hours. There is also an option to do a shuttle between the Northwest corner of the lake and the Grand Avoille Cove boat launch at the Southeast corner of the lake. Then paddle virtually the entire perimeter of the lake.
Conditions to consider:
This lake is very shallow and can get amazingly rough in windy conditions. Paddle the north shore if the winds are light (under 8-10mph) or if you have a north or west wind. If you have an east or south wind over 8 or 9 mph, paddle the south shore from Grand Avoille cove boat launch.
Google Maps Search Term:
LakeFaussePointeState Park. From the park, continue south on the levee road (it will be gravel after the park) for approximately 8 miles. When the lake opens up on the right, pull over and put in at the break in the grass.
From Baldwin, LA:
Take Hwy 326 to Charenton
Take a right on Convent St.
Take a left on Hwy 87
Take a right on Parish Rd. 121
Take a left on the levee, go north to the Grand Avoille Cove boat launch (on your left going north).